Archives: Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Tanyi Melvis Bechemnyo

“I can’t thank Samantha enough for accepting to be our Content Editor in Chief.  Ever since she joined Infinity Blog Awards, we haven’t had anything short of excellent content. Her content writing skills are impeccable and if you’re looking for high-quality content that your audience will thank you for, then look no further than Samantha. She’s […]

Christina Furnival

“Samantha recently wrote a poignant and important article for my blog Real Life Mama. She not only wrote beautifully and shared openly and honestly with my readers and hers, but she was wonderful to work with. Samantha is an effective communicator, and worked timely and easily within the parameters set for her guest post. She […]

Kathryn Sullivan

“Sam is so incredible to work with. She allowed me space to brainstorm the blog and message that I wanted to write. I was in the middle of writing and editing when I gave birth and she was awesome about being flexible with my deadline! She is so sweet and made the whole experience easy […]

Abrazo and Coze

“Samantha Flores wrote a thoughtful, relevant article on her experience breastfeeding while sick. She accepted the lengthy writing guidelines I provided and worked within those parameters. She communicated professionally and happily allowed adjustments after she had written the piece. By including her personal experience with the subject, she was able to make a connection with readers living […]